The Jagannath Temple in Puri is renowned for its treasure trove, which sparks immense curiosity among the public. This secret vault consists of seven rooms, known collectively as the "Ratna Bhandar" or treasure chamber. Many years ago, temple officials managed to unlock only three of these rooms. The contents of the remaining rooms remain a mystery, similar to the enigmatic "Brahma Substance" of Lord Jagannath.
From the rooms that were accessed, officials found 180 different types of gold jewelry adorned with precious stones like pearls and coral. Additionally, there were 146 types of silver ornaments. These discoveries were from the inner treasure chamber, known as the "Inner Ratna Bhandar." The "Outer Ratna Bhandar" is somewhat different. According to the Puri Sri Jagannath Temple Act of 1952, a record was created in 1978. This record indicates that the outer treasure chamber contains 150 types of gold jewelry, including three gold necklaces, each weighing around one and a half kilograms.
The gold arm and foot ornaments of Lord Jagannath and Balabhadra weigh 9.5 kilograms and 8.5 kilograms, respectively. The gold crowns of Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra weigh 7 kilograms, 5 kilograms, and 3 kilograms, respectively. According to the inventory prepared by the Puri Temple Administration between May 13 and May 23, 1978, the treasure chamber holds 120 kilograms and 831 grams of gold jewelry studded with precious stones, 220 kilograms and 153 grams of silver jewelry, silver utensils, and various valuable items.
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