For car enthusiasts, the Indian automotive market has recently launched the 5-door Force Gurkha. This vehicle comes in a dual-tone color scheme, featuring a 7-seater layout with captain seats in the third row, while its design largely resembles the 3-door Force Gurkha. The engine capacity remains the same, but its power output is distinctly different.
Upon its market launch, the company announced the prices for these vehicles. The 3-door model is priced at 16.75 lakh rupees (ex-showroom) and the 5-door model starts at 18 lakh rupees. This is the price for the base model of the 5-door version.
Force Gurkha 5 Door Price, 2024 Force Gurkha 5 door review
What design and new features does the 5-door Force Gurkha have?
It is reported that this vehicle presents itself as a boxy SUV with four-wheel drive. It features two round LED headlights at the front and also comes with new 18-inch alloy wheels. At the rear, there is a roof-mounted spare wheel and LED tail lights.
Inside, the dashboard remains unchanged. It includes a roof-mounted AC, a 9-inch touchscreen infotainment system with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay connectivity, and a digital driver display. The vehicle offers power windows on all four doors, while the 3-door model has power windows at the front only. Additionally, the vehicle provides the convenience of panoramic windows.