Sunday 16 June 2024

Causes of Mental Problems in Children and How to Help

Psychologist and family therapist Ananya Sengupta discusses the increasing mental health issues among children. She explains that a child's mental health is directly influenced by the mental health of their parents.

Causes of Mental Problems in Children: Child Mental Health Causes

  1. Parental Influence: The mental health of parents, including any genetic issues, directly affects the child. The mother's mental state during pregnancy, family environment, and physical health are all contributing factors.
  2. School Environment: The environment at school also plays a significant role in a child's mental health.
  3. Behavioral Issues: Taking things without asking, making up stories, lying, and being aggressive can be signs of mental health problems. These behaviors are indicators of childhood psychiatric disorders.

How to Help Improve a Child's Mental Health: Improving Child Mental Health

  1. Understanding and Communication: Parents should talk to their child separately and not compare them with others. Understanding and addressing their problems calmly is crucial.
  2. Stress-Free Environment: Maintaining a stress-free environment at home helps in better mental health for the child.
  3. Attention to Performance: A noticeable decline in academic performance can be a sign of mental issues. Parents should pay attention to problems at school, home, and with playmates.

Taking these steps can help in maintaining and improving a child's mental health.

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