Monday 17 June 2024

How to Avoid Tanning in Summer?

Tanning is common in the summer due to intense sun exposure. It causes dark spots on exposed skin areas like the face, hands, and feet, making the skin look dull and lifeless. Tanning can also lead to rough skin, acne, rashes, and other skin issues. However, with some precautions, you can avoid tanning. Home Remedies for Tanning

Actress Alankrita’s Tips for Avoiding Tanning: Skincare Tips for Tanning

  1. Skincare Routine: Everyone should have a specific skincare routine regardless of the season. The essential steps are cleansing, toning, and moisturizing.

  2. Sunscreen Use: Always use sunscreen. It’s necessary for both outdoor and indoor activities. The SPF level of the sunscreen should be appropriate for your skin type and tanning tendencies.

  3. Skin Problems: If your skin has multiple issues, tanning can make it look worse. While sunscreen doesn’t completely prevent tanning, it can reduce its intensity.

  4. Home Remedies: Use natural ingredients like tomato, yogurt, gram flour (besan), and turmeric for a cleanup to reduce tanning.

  5. Night Routine: Before sleeping, remove all makeup and follow your cleansing, toning, and moisturizing (CTM) routine.

By following these tips, you can keep your skin healthy and reduce the effects of tanning.

How to Become Confident at Work?

Being confident in the workplace is essential. Can you build this confidence from within? Theater artist Madhubanti Banerjee says everyone makes mistakes, but if you don’t show it and continue to believe in yourself, that’s real confidence.

She explains that this kind of confidence can be applied at work. Knowing a lot is good, but thinking you know everything is overconfidence, which is not advisable. If you don't know something, it's better to ask. Avoid thinking “I can’t do it” right away. Confidence is crucial at work. Confidence in the Workplace

Madhubanti also mentions that performing in theater requires mental preparation for various characters. This mental preparation can be useful in the workplace. Many people suffer from ‘imposter syndrome,’ despite doing good work, because of a lack of confidence. In such cases, it's better not to listen to negative opinions. Learning from mistakes is important, as it helps build confidence over time.

How to Prepare Yourself to Be Confident? Career Growth Tips

Madhubanti advises that mental preparation is the first step. Love your work. When you love what you do, confidence comes naturally. Don’t let others' opinions affect you. If you can't always do what you love, find something enjoyable in your work.

Criticism in the workplace is inevitable. It can be constructive or negative. Constructive criticism is necessary to recognize and correct mistakes.

It’s normal to feel scared during challenging tasks, but apply what you've learned. This knowledge will boost your confidence and help you perform better.

How to Prevent Itching and Infections in Summer?

Itching in summer is a common problem, especially for those who wear tight clothing for work. Here are some home remedies to help with this issue:

  1. Natural Remedies: Summer Itching Prevention : Instead of using strong chemical products, try home remedies. Mixing gram flour with a little turmeric and using it during a bath is very effective. Sandalwood is also a good remedy. You can mix sandalwood powder with coconut oil or rose water and apply it to your skin and hair.

  2. Aloe Vera: Home Remedies for Skin Infections : Makeup can also cause skin infections in the summer. To prevent this, you can apply aloe vera gel to your skin throughout the year. It helps keep your skin healthy and infection-free.

These simple tips can help you avoid itching and infections during the hot summer months.

Sunday 16 June 2024

Causes of Mental Problems in Children and How to Help

Psychologist and family therapist Ananya Sengupta discusses the increasing mental health issues among children. She explains that a child's mental health is directly influenced by the mental health of their parents.

Causes of Mental Problems in Children: Child Mental Health Causes

  1. Parental Influence: The mental health of parents, including any genetic issues, directly affects the child. The mother's mental state during pregnancy, family environment, and physical health are all contributing factors.
  2. School Environment: The environment at school also plays a significant role in a child's mental health.
  3. Behavioral Issues: Taking things without asking, making up stories, lying, and being aggressive can be signs of mental health problems. These behaviors are indicators of childhood psychiatric disorders.

How to Help Improve a Child's Mental Health: Improving Child Mental Health

  1. Understanding and Communication: Parents should talk to their child separately and not compare them with others. Understanding and addressing their problems calmly is crucial.
  2. Stress-Free Environment: Maintaining a stress-free environment at home helps in better mental health for the child.
  3. Attention to Performance: A noticeable decline in academic performance can be a sign of mental issues. Parents should pay attention to problems at school, home, and with playmates.

Taking these steps can help in maintaining and improving a child's mental health.

Train Ticket Checking: Eastern Railway Takes Strict Measures!

Eastern Railway is taking strict steps to curb the increasing trend of passengers traveling without tickets. A significant number of passengers are not buying tickets, and the railway company is now planning to stop this practice.

Eastern Railway Ticket Checking : Eastern Railway will introduce surprise ticket checking. Kaushik Mitra, Chief Public Relations Officer of Eastern Railway, announced that passengers who regularly travel without tickets need to be cautious. Ticket checking squads will board trains from any station along the route, which may not necessarily be a junction. If caught traveling without a ticket, passengers will face consequences.

Kaushik Mitra also mentioned that these squads might board trains suddenly from any station in the evening, including unexpected locations.

Train Travel Regulations : The railway authorities emphasized that train fares are much lower compared to other modes of transport, with tickets costing as little as 5 to 10 rupees for long journeys. Despite this, many people avoid buying tickets. Mitra pointed out that the railway does not make a huge profit from these fares. Various facilities are available for purchasing tickets, and it is always better to travel with a valid ticket.

Friday 14 June 2024

Understanding Learning Disabilities in Children: Causes, Impact, and Treatment

'Learning Disability' is a condition that some children have where they find it hard to learn certain things. This condition can affect how they do in school and at home. Parents and teachers need to understand the signs of this problem and help the child in the right way.

Learning disabilities in children : Sometimes, children with learning disabilities struggle with reading, writing, or doing things like other kids. This problem can make them feel left behind. It's important for parents, teachers, and therapists to notice these signs early on.

Causes of learning disabilities :To understand if a child has a learning disability, parents, teachers, and therapists use assessments. These assessments help figure out what problems the child is facing and how to help them.

Learning disabilities usually start from birth and are caused by problems in the brain. There are different types of treatment available for this condition. Therapists often use non-structured activities and exercises to help children with learning disabilities.

Children who reach their teen years may need meditation and counseling to deal with their problems. However, starting programs at a young age can be very helpful.

Today's lifestyle, like nuclear families and excessive screen time, can also affect children. That's why it's important for children to have social interactions.

Swastika Mukherjee: Now Singing in Films! Which Song Will She Sing?

Swastika Mukherjee is one of the prominent actresses in Tollywood. Known for her unique roles, she has always impressed her fans with her acting skills. Now, there’s a buzz in the industry that Swastika will be singing in a Bengali film for the first time, and it’s going to be a Rabindra Sangeet!

Reports suggest that Swastika will be doing playback singing in the upcoming film “Durgapur Junction,” directed by Arindam Bhattacharya. But which song will she sing?

Swastika Mukherjee Singing : Sources reveal that she will sing “Aji Jhorer Raate Tomar Abhisar” in the film. This song is tied to a past memory of her character. The film revolves around a series of mysterious murders in the industrial city of Durgapur. Swastika plays the role of a journalist who sets out to solve these murders.

Swastika has never sung in a film before, but she has a deep love for music since childhood. She has sung Rabindra Sangeet with her father, Santu Mukhopadhyay. So, when the director offered her the opportunity, she immediately agreed. The song recording is scheduled for the end of this month, and she will be recording it with singer Iman Chakraborty.

In addition to Swastika, the film “Durgapur Junction” features Vikram Chatterjee in an important role as a tough police officer. He will also be seen as Swastika’s companion in the film. Other significant roles are played by Ekavali Khanna, Rajdeep Sarkar, and Pradeep Dhar.